Tuesday 3 June 2014

The F.A.Qs

No matter what we look, act, think like there are people around us who want to know something about us, they ask us questions. Some can be easy to respond to while others can be very tricky and question ones general attitude. Keep in mind that most of us have multiple personalities that we disclose at different situations and places. Hence there may be variations in what we are asked, no matter what its all up to us to answer them

This is just what I need to get a few things off my chest, some questions that I have been asked and I haven't answered them properly, this is probably the best place where I can answer them irrespective of who ever sees these;

1) Why are you so quiet?

I have been asked this question many times, still remember being asked by a girl during school to which I had no answer. As we grow older people stop asking this because they assume that the person is already like that. I am quiet because that is who I am, an introvert that does not do a lot of talking however in exceptional cases I do talk but then again for that you will have to get to know an introvert for starters. Therefore let me help you by giving you "this" to look at and try and understand how our minds actually work.

In a nutshell I am a really nice and a soft hearted person (I LOVE CATS) so yes no need to be hesitant at all, its only a matter of me and you getting along, failing would mean that we just may not like each other.

2) Why are you alone most of the times?

Not that I like it, but its something that I am now used to, simply because I have been like this since school. I did open up a bit towards the end years of school but after that it was me being the same way as I have been. The thing is that I consider myself as unique ( we all are) but just too scared to hang out with all, I do get along with people, provided our interests match or we get along well. But overall we all need some time alone now don't we?

3) Why don't you go out with people most of the time?

Well to be honest, my anxiety gets in the way. Or let me put it this way that I lack social etiquettes, the funny and sad thing is that I have always been lagging behind in terms of level or the kind of thing that one does at a certain age. Maybe one of the factors but overall its been monthly me being concerned about lack of etiquettes and the inability to be able to spend money on others (we normally do this stuff but I don't). I am more on the greedy/selfish  side and yes that's bad manners but don't we all have some? I sort of hate sharing my food with others, always have had this problem even back in school. I hated it when the seniors used to take a big bite out of my sandwich. That disease has been in me till today, regrets is all that are left now but still there is always room for improvement.

Also the reason why I cannot be there is because I do not have any personal means of transport. I hate bikes and I definitely do not always drive a car. Its dad's car and me taking it would mean panic for him since I will definitely be involved in some accident and hence his precious property will be damaged. Plus i do not like to be dependent on others to do all the picking and dropping thing, a big reason why I haven't been going out to often and hence been reduced to going solo and now I am used to being all by myself out there.

4) Why don't you text/call?

This mostly comes from my family, others may ask this but I know they do it behind my back. Well I have not been a fan of excessive calls/texts simply because Karachi itself is a big factor, those who live here will know and have gone through the menace of being mugged multiple times in their lives (I am one of them) so my main purpose of keeping a cellphone (I have two, a cheap one and a samsung smartphone) is to make sure that when I leave home in the morning I come back home in one peace.

Secondly I have a rule, if at the end of the day, all of us are meant to part ways (no matter for how long, school to college and beyond, workplaces, projects etc) then why should we even go through it in the first place? Look, if I am going to make contacts then I should keep them till death but not just for some temporary time, after which I won't even look back at them. even if I do, it's going to be when I need them badly (selfishness).

5) When are you getting married?

This one just recently started cropping up, first of all let me declare that I have studied in co-ed school and university and I have had girl-friends but I have never had a girlfriend and neither I have ever been in a relationship. Put that to one side and onto the other, I don't know when and where and to whom (a girl..DUHH!!!) because getting married means going the distance and not ending with a divorce soon after. I do not know the meaning of "True Love" and I also have hardly had such a feeling towards a girl, sadly at the moment I doubt getting married and want to more focus on interaction, face to face or through social media. Maybe that will get me somewhere and importantly to actually start "Loving" someone.

6) Why does your taste differ?

With respect to listening to music i.e. I do listen to music but I don't listen to the Billboard Top 10 or maybe City FM 89 most played, I have my own taste and that is currently Linkin park. Their music is my kind of music, discovered that when their album "A Thousand Suns" came out 3 years ago, I am still obsessed with their song "The Catalyst" (its more enjoyable when I listen to it with an interlude "Fallout" that actually comes before the song) and their songs that have been coming up till now. "A Light That Never Comes" is another one that I listen to over and over, defines my current state etc. TO cut things short, I need to be dragged out of this in order to listen to someone else and for that, there has to be another band good enough to convince me. 

For now that is all that I have to answer, these are most that I have been asked, to anyone still hunting for answers...well, I guess I've done my job, the rest is upto you dear reader.

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